Cilt: 10 - Sayı: 2
Kıssa-i Şeyh San’an is one of the most important stories of the Attar’s masnavi called Mantıku’t-tayr. In the work, it is resolved an existential problem of the people search for meaning In this resolution, it is also used the travel allegory which include indirectly cosmogonic and eschatological designs of the sufism. This, is the maturity journey to the beauty which describes the being from the “a’yan-ı sabite” to the appearance in the material world and the evolution process till the return of its main position. Path symbolizes the certain phases. The path as a spatial is not linear in the story, it is circular. Lover, returns to the starting point where he was depart in the first place but the person who came back is not the same person. In this study, based on the Şeyh San’an sample it was scrutinised processes of the function of the path allegory in the sufism; creation phenomenon with love, break taboos of the individuality, obliqueness/ annihilation, the real comprehension of the existence by way of love and the reconstruction of the people. The appearance of the existantialism in Sufism was interpreted over “existence-nonbeing” dialect. The search for meaning is the important step for the explanation of the existence. Basis of the story is composed with the fiction of a “seyr-ü süluk” symbolic self-expression language Such works that question an existential problem are present in all cultures, Jung, who interprets this subject with a scientific care, has revealed that the common culture of mankind is registered in the social unconscious. One of the bases of this study is that a monomyth theory that J. Campbell has built on the basis of Jung theories.
Kıssa-i Şeyh San’an is one of the most important stories of the Attar’s masnavi called Mantıku’t-tayr. In the work, it is resolved an existential problem of the people search for meaning In this resolution, it is also used the travel allegory which include indirectly cosmogonic and eschatological designs of the sufism. This, is the maturity journey to the beauty which describes the being from the “a’yan-ı sabite” to the appearance in the material world and the evolution process till the return of its main position. Path symbolizes the certain phases. The path as a spatial is not linear in the story, it is circular. Lover, returns to the starting point where he was depart in the first place but the person who came back is not the same person. In this study, based on the Şeyh San’an sample it was scrutinised processes of the function of the path allegory in the sufism; creation phenomenon with love, break taboos of the individuality, obliqueness/ annihilation, the real comprehension of the existence by way of love and the reconstruction of the people. The appearance of the existantialism in Sufism was interpreted over “existence-nonbeing” dialect. The search for meaning is the important step for the explanation of the existence. Basis of the story is composed with the fiction of a “seyr-ü süluk” symbolic self-expression language Such works that question an existential problem are present in all cultures, Jung, who interprets this subject with a scientific care, has revealed that the common culture of mankind is registered in the social unconscious. One of the bases of this study is that a monomyth theory that J. Campbell has built on the basis of Jung theories.
Kıssa-i Şeyh San’an is one of the most important stories of the Attar’s masnavi called Mantıku’t-tayr. In the work, it is resolved an existential problem of the people search for meaning In this resolution, it is also used the travel allegory which include indirectly cosmogonic and eschatological designs of the sufism. This, is the maturity journey to the beauty which describes the being from the “a’yan-ı sabite” to the appearance in the material world and the evolution process till the return of its main position. Path symbolizes the certain phases. The path as a spatial is not linear in the story, it is circular. Lover, returns to the starting point where he was depart in the first place but the person who came back is not the same person. In this study, based on the Şeyh San’an sample it was scrutinised processes of the function of the path allegory in the sufism; creation phenomenon with love, break taboos of the individuality, obliqueness/ annihilation, the real comprehension of the existence by way of love and the reconstruction of the people. The appearance of the existantialism in Sufism was interpreted over “existence-nonbeing” dialect. The search for meaning is the important step for the explanation of the existence. Basis of the story is composed with the fiction of a “seyr-ü süluk” symbolic self-expression language Such works that question an existential problem are present in all cultures, Jung, who interprets this subject with a scientific care, has revealed that the common culture of mankind is registered in the social unconscious. One of the bases of this study is that a monomyth theory that J. Campbell has built on the basis of Jung theories.
In the areas of science, art, literature and history, which are among the most important elements of our cultural life, it is necessary to remove the problems of accessibility of manuscripts from basic reference sources and to use these works effectively in current works. It is possible to make use of these works as a source of information in a healthy way, but only by preparing the catalogues of these works in a complete way. It is known that the difficulties encountered in determining the names of the works and the names of the authors in the manuscript catalogues prepared so far. In addition to these difficulties, the problems of access to information due to misspellings also prevent effective use of writing works. In particular, it seems that there is no standardization for the identification and writing of author names. In order to solve this problem, it is possible to take advantage of the biography sources used for cataloguing manuscripts. The hypothesis of this study is that standardization can be achieved for author names to be determined as a result of comparison of authorship names in Ottoman biography sources. This method will contribute to the solution of the problem of identification and standardization of authorship, which is one of the problems of access to information on manuscripts. Content analysis method and historical source analysis technique were used in article writing.
El dokumacılığı tarih boyunca Türkler için önemli bir sanat kolu olmuştur. Günümüzde üretim azalmıştır. Etnoğrafik anlamda olan ürünler ise müzelerde muhafaza edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Birkaç müze dışında tekstil mamullerinin ülkemiz müzelerinde muhafaza ve teşhiri dünya standartlarında yapılamamaktadır. Konya Akşehir’de bulunan iki müzede yer alan etnoğrafik halılara yönelik yürütülen bir konservasyon ve küçük çaplı restorasyon makaleye konu olarak seçilmiştir. Müze, yenileme, halı, tamir.
ÖZET Osmanlı’nın kitaplarda rağbet ettiği süsleme sanatlarımızdan minyatür, çoğunlukla tarihsel olayları betimlemek üzerine inşa edilmiştir (tasarlanmıştır). Sultanların tahta çıkışları (cülus), cenazeleri, seferleri, savaşları, kazandıkları zaferler, avcılıktaki hünerler, İstanbul’da sarayda toplantılar, elçileri karşılamalar ve devletin gücünü anlatan minyatürler, 15. yüzyıl ve sonrasında en çok çalışılan konulardır. Levni, 18. yüzyılda, Lale Devri’nin ünlü minyatür sanatçısıdır. Minyatürlerinde, döneminden önceki nakkaşlardan farklı yaklaşımlar ve yenilikler bulunmaktadır. Bu farklılıklar arasında, kompozisyon içinden dışarıdaki izleyiciye doğru bakan meraklı gözler, kendi aralarında sohbette betimlenen figürler, üçüncü boyut arayışları, kendisini minyatürleri içinde resmetmesi vb. yer almaktadır. 42 varakta, figürlerin tek tek resmedildiği, Topkapı Sarayı Müze Kütüphanesi’nde bulunan H.2164 numaralı albüm, minyatür çalışmaları arasında önemli bir yer tutar. Bu çalışma (makale) kapsamında, bu albümde yer alan kadınların ve erkeklerin bulunduğu minyatürlü sayfalarda, her bir kadın ve erkeğin, ellerinde ve resmedildikleri zeminde bulunan natüralist üslupta çalışılmış çiçekler incelenecek; Türk kültürü ve sanatında çiçeğin tartışılmaz öneminden bahsedilecektir
ABSTRACT Sometimes consciously and sometimes unwittingly, we transmit information on individual, social and cultural identity via spaces. This information transmission is a mutual communication process. Semantic relations need to be established in order for the communication to be realized and to be successful. Spaces, which are important indicators of social values, play an important role in establishing semantic relations. The spaces give information about the cultural structure of the society. It is possible to analyze the information that is conveyed by the spaces via semiological method, by revealing the characteristics of the indicators belonging to the places. In the study, the spaces are subjected to a thematic analysis in the context of the specific themes that are presented in the films.
2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılında itibari ile Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı uygulanmakta olan 8 yıllık zorunlu eğitim sistemini değiştirmiş ve 4+4+4 adı altında yeni bir sistemi uygulamaya koymuştur. Bu sistem ile ilköğretim, ilkokul ve ortaokul diye iki kısma ayrılmış ve ilköğretim genel müdürlüğü kaldırılarak yerini temel eğitim genel müdürlüğü almıştır. Eğitim sisteminin değişmesi ile birlikte 1. sınıfların okula başlama yaşları değişikliğe uğramış bununla birlikte 10 gün olan okula uyum süreci 12 haftaya çıkarılarak uyum ve okula hazırlık adını almıştır. Mevcut programların ve sistemlerin belirli aralıklarla değiştirilmesi bilgi çağında bir gereksinim haline gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda yurt dışında uygulanmakta olan program ve uygulamaların incelenmesi mevcut programların revize edilmesinde önem arz etmektedir. Nitel araştırma deseni kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada, İngiltere’de uygulanmakta olan ilkokuma yazma süreçleri kapsamında toplanan veriler gruplandırılmış ve sistemli bir şekilde sıralanarak karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın alana kuramsal katkı sağlamanın yanı sıra, Türkiye’de eğitim sistemine ilişkin karar alıcılara ve uygulayıcılara da kaynak oluşturabileceği düşünülmektedir.
This study aims to descriptively analyse emergence and development of foreign schools founded in Turkey and supervision studies carried out to regulate these schools. The focus of the research is comprised of the pre-republican period when the foreign schools first appeared and grew, the period till 1960s which consists of the supervision activities of this schools, the period between 1960-1980 during which the foreign schools completed their transformation and started to take their present shape and the efforts of supervising the schools during these periods. Utilization of written documents, namely document analysis has been used as the data collection tool in this study designed by descriptive method. The findings of the study show that the number of the schools founded on Ottoman’s land by countries like America, England, France, Austria, German, Italy, Bulgaria and Iran is determined as almost 600 by the government. However, it is considered that the number of unlicensed foreign schools which cannot be identified is far more than the determined one above. The foreign schools emerging as an action tool of missionaries and imperialism in 19th were firstly able to draw attention of the society from the point of science and language education ignoring religious and national opinions. Nevertheless, the matter of foreign schools’ education which had never been supervised in Ottoman period was approached elaborately in Republican period. Some of the schools closed on their own while some of them were closed by the government as they violate the rules according to regular supervision and control mechanism in Republican period.
Özet: Yerleşmeler genel olarak kırsal ve kentsel olarak sınıflandırılır. Kırsal yerleşmeler, kentlere göre doğal ortam şartlarından daha fazla etkilenmektedir. Nitekim kırsal alanlarla ilgili yapılan açıklamalarda genellikle mekân referanslı ifadeler tercih edilmektedir. Bu durum yerleşmenin ortaya çıkmasında ve gelişmesinde de belirleyicidir. İnsan, tabiatın kurallarına uymak zorunda olduğunu bilir. Ancak ne zaman kendi kurallarını yürürlüğe koyarsa o zaman tabiatla uyum içerisinde olabilir. İnsan; yaşayabileceği alanı seçerken ya da yaşadığı alandan daha fazla yararlanmak isterken bazı şartların oluşmasını bekler. Bu şartlar çoğu kez tabiatın özellikleri ile kendi etnik, tarihi ve psikolojik özelliklerinin kaynaşması sonucu ortaya çıkar. Buna göre, kır yerleşmesinin kuruluşu ve gelişmesinde fiziki, beşeri, ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel temellere dayalı pek çok faktör etkili olmaktadır. Türkiye’de kırsal yerleşmeler zengin tip, doku, form ve jeomorfolojik konum özellikleriyle dikkat çekmektedir. Aynı zamanda bu çeşitlilik kırsal meskenlere de yansımıştır. Böyle çeşitli bir manzaranın ortaya çıkmasına etkili süreçleri bütüncül bir yaklaşımla değerlendirmek bu çalışmanın çıkış noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Abstract: Settlements are generally divided into rural and urban. Rural settlements are more affected by natural environment conditions than by urban settlements. Indeed, when referring to rural areas, spatial reference expressions are often preferred. This situation is also a determining factor in the establishment and development of the settlement. Man knows that he has to obey the laws of nature. However, whenever it puts its own rules into effect, the interaction naturally increases. While people are choosing the area they can live or want to make more use of the area they live on, they expect some conditions to occur. These conditions often arise as a result of the fusion of the characteristics of nature with their own ethnic, historical and psychological characteristics. Accordingly, many factors based on physical, human, economic, social and cultural bases are influential in the establishment and development of rural settlement. Rural settlements in Turkey is quite rich with type, texture, structure, forms and geomorphological location features. At the same time, this diversity has also reflected in rural dwellings. Evaluating effective processes in a holistic approach to the emergence of such a diverse viewpoint is the starting point of this work.
he Republic of Cyprus became an independent state on 16 August 1960 after being declared formally as a Crown Colony on 10 March 1925 by the United Kingdom. The Constitution of the Republic, which came into effect on the day of independence, had its roots in agreements reached between the heads of government of Greece and Turkey at Zurich on 11 February 1959. These were incorporated in agreements reached between those governments and the United Kingdom in London on 19 February. On the same day, the representatives of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities accepted the documents concerned, and accompanying declarations by the three governments, as "the agreed foundation for the final settlement of the problem of Cyprus". The agreements were embodied in treaties - the Treaty of Establishment and the Treaty of Guarantee, signed by Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom, and the Treaty of Alliance, signed by Cyprus, Greece and Turkey - and in the constitution, signed in Nicosia on 16 August 1960. Republic of Cyprus was founded as a bi-communal state based on partnership between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. The 1960 partnership, however, lasted only three years. With a view to initiating the Akritas Plan, which put forward a deliberate campaign for changing the state of affairs created by the Constitution and ultimately realizing the ideal for Enosis. The Greek Cypriots proposed amendments to the Constitution, known as the Thirteen Points that entailed usurping the rights of Turkish Cypriots and degrading their equal co-founder status to that of a minority on the Island. Turkish Cypriots refused the Thirteen Points as an obligation to protect their treaty rights and do not recognize the situation created by the abuse of rights as legal. International community has an obligation not to recognize as lawful within the principle of ex injuria jus non oritur based on the peremptory norm of self-determination of peoples under Article 73 of the United Nations Charter, the situation created by the Greek Cypriots with the amendments to the Constitutional Treaty of 16 August 1960.
Toponym is the element that is formed in the original name and the parts of the geographical term and is used to mark the geographical objects in the world and outside the world. While the original name, one of the main piece of this structure, carries out the task of distinguishing the object from another, the geographical term carries the task of specifying the object. In the Turkish place names system, besides frequently encountered terms such as spring, sea, hill, mountain, it is used in general operating system such as lower, back, rear, head, bottom, inner as the geographical term. This situation, which is not often encountered in other languages, can be seen frequently in English microtoponimies. The article examines how such words are used as geographical terms and how to be used.
Toponym is the element that is formed in the original name and the parts of the geographical term and is used to mark the geographical objects in the world and outside the world. While the original name, one of the main piece of this structure, carries out the task of distinguishing the object from another, the geographical term carries the task of specifying the object. In the Turkish place names system, besides frequently encountered terms such as spring, sea, hill, mountain, it is used in general operating system such as lower, back, rear, head, bottom, inner as the geographical term. This situation, which is not often encountered in other languages, can be seen frequently in English microtoponimies. The article examines how such words are used as geographical terms and how to be used.
Receiving news is one of the essential needs of human beings. The 19th article of the universal declaration of human rights refers to this basic requirement. Historically, documents became common with the invention of the printing press, and later, the mass media varied by the industrial revolution became popular in the life of human being. As the world has globalized, the national and international information has become a priority, but the public facts and developments have come later. It is a fact that the roles of media and local organizations cannot be ignored in the process of the States' democratization and being awareness since the local has profound impact. And we saw this impact during The National Struggle when Anatolian Press showed great effort. Emerging technology and computing conditions directs the modern-day People to the national and international developments. However, we shouldn't forget the great impact of the local media. It is always a necessity. The local Medias usually have limited opportunities. Those limited opportunities are big problems for them. So they should be supported. Survey Management has made a survey about the local media in Elazığ, and it has reached crucial results about the local media's problems during this research.
Human growth and development are depended on both genetic and environmental conditions. From infancy to adulthood, during the growth process the growth rate of the body ratios shows differences. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate height, upper arm, forearm, upper leg, lower leg length values of the pre-school children and to determinate the ratios, and contribute to other public health studies. The study sample consisted of 815 (402 male, 413 female) children aged between 3 and 5 years living in Ankara. Height, upper arm, forearm, upper leg, and lower leg lengths were taken in accordance with the standard protocols after receiving ethical and family permits. The statistical analyses conducted using SPSS 20.0 program and percentiles were constructed using LMS method. According to the results, children aged between 3 to 5 years, the forearm / upper ratio was 0.8 and the lower / upper ratio was 0.7 in both sexes. Positive correlation was found between all variables (p <0.001). The comparison of study results with other country values revealed that upper arm length was lower than the American children (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) for the respective age groups. Constructing the country specific reference values is of great importance for to follow-up children's development, to evaluate and compare for further generations and to determinate the secular changes.
YAYIN DEĞERLENDİRME: ASLAN, C. (2017). Örnek Eğitim Durumlarıyla Türkçe-Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğretimi. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
For the sustainability of cities, it is significant to have natural sources as leading factors in the use of space. In this study, Bursa city has been selected as a sample and the affects of natural environment factors on the use of space was attempted to be determined. In this scope, geomorphology, altitude, slope, climate, hydrology, vegetation cover and soil parameters that affect the use space was analyzed in detail in Bursa city case. According to the study, it is designated that altitude, slope and aspect parameters of old towns/neighborhoods are in altitude of 100 m above and in the areas with 15-100˚ slope and northern facing aspects. It is also analyzed that newly establishing neighborhoods in Bursa are situated at altitude below 100 m, and the slope varies between 2-15˚, southern aspects are favored as settlement areas. However, rapid urban development put pressures on natural sources (i.e. geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation cover, soil). Nature friendly urban planning such as eco-city should be implemented in order to maintain urban sustainability.
John Donne (1572-1631) was accepted as one of the most significant English poets of elegiac poems. Russian poet Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996) was inspired by Donne and wrote in 1963 Great Elegy to John Donne under the influence of his metaphysical approach. Traces of popular metaphysical charasteristics of John Donne’s poetry on the works of Joseph Brodsky constitute the main subject of this work. Baroque influence under social realist Soviet literary rule as an anti-mainstream instrument in Brodsky's poetry is also studied. The aim of the study is questioning why new artistic trends disposed to stand against or justify themselves by previous periods and genres in the context of intertextuality. Key Words: Baroque, Elegy, Joseph Brodsky, John Donne, intertextuality.
This study aims to analyze the approach of ‘Çocuk Sesi’ magazine to its ‘female and male’ readers, the ‘convenience of texts to children’ in pedagogical terms, ‘the qualification of awards’ given to readers that ranked first and the ‘titles’ readers preferred to use before the surname act. This examination on ‘Çocuk Sesi’ periodical which was published for the first time in Latin Alphabet in ‘the history of the Republic of Turkey’ shed light on the history of its period. This study used ‘qualitative research method.’ The preferred study technique is ‘document analysis.’ The data obtained is classified into four themes including ‘gender,’ ‘convenience to children,’ ‘qualifications of awards,’ and ‘reader titles.’ It is concluded in this study that this periodical included subjects that would satisfy both genders such as ‘paper doll works’ for ‘girls’ and ‘sports’ section for ‘boys’ in regards to ‘gender theme.’ It is confirmed that some sentences seen in some texts of ‘Çocuk Sesi’ periodical were not ‘convenient for children’ in pedagogical terms. Gifts given by ‘Çocuk Sesi’ periodical to its readers include different types such as ‘little sheep, tayyare lottery ticket, swimsuits, photograph machine and gramophone.’ Examining the editions in 1928 - 1930, it is established that some readers wrote down ‘Son of Border Battalion Commander...,’ ‘Daughter of Tobacco Factory Manager...’ as their titles because the surname act was not in enacted yet.