Cilt: 10 - Sayı: 3
The symbols that take up a great deal of space in people's minds are elements that define some things in the mind in relation to it. Thus, the meaning layers of the symbols in the culture and the text used are varied. The goat has also become a symbol of rich associations by using many places in ancient times from ancient times. Kül Tigin and Bilge Kagan have found themselves in a wide range of goats, oral and literary traditions, which are an important symbol of Turkish culture, from stamped pistol to stigmatization, from shamanistic elements to popular beliefs. Since the topic has spread to a very wide area, poems have been selected by free sampling method in this article. The methods of scanning, compiling, text analysis and comparison are used as methods. In the new Turkish poetry, the purpose of trying to draw the boundaries of the associative area of the goat by establishing what meaning is loaded on the goat symbol is forming.
The aim of this study is to determine the most frequent words in proverbs and idioms along with determining the importance of these words in terms of Turkish culture. In addition, it is tried to determine which education level is appropriate for the use of these words based on their characteristics in the concept development process. In the theoritical part of the study, first of all, information about concept and concept development is given. Then, the functions and importance of proverbs and idioms are discussed. The third subject of the study is the use of proverbs and idioms in concept development process. Under the title of “Findings and Interpretation” 500 words, which are mostly used in proverbs and idioms, are determined and listed. The words related to the Turkish culture and mythology are grouped and evaluated. When the characteristics of the words in the list are taken into consideration, it is concluded that they can be used in concept development process especially in primary schools.
Köroğlu Destanı is an epic told in a very wide geography by Turks and a Turkic communities who have close relationships with Turks. Köroğlu is a historical personality but turned into an epic hero in oral culture. The events and circumstances happened in reality told in an extraordinary way to create this epic story. The epic has many identic and similar texts. Köroğlu Destanı has been the subject of theatrical plays, operas and cinema, etc. First, in Azebaijan, Köroğlu's opera was composed by Üzeyir Hacıbeyli and it was staged as a five-act opera on April 30, 1937 in Baku. Another opera of the same name was composed by Ahmet Adnan Saygun and staged in three acts in June 23, 1973. The Köroğlu epic was adapted into cinema in 1960 by director Hüseyin Seyidzâde in Azerbaijan and in Turkey in 1968 by director Atıf Yılmaz. Ahmet Kutsi Tecer wrote a play called “Koçyiğit Köroğlu” and this was published in Ülkü magazine in 1941 and staged on Turkish State Theatres in 1949. Tecer chose mythical Turkish beliefs as his subject in Koçyiğit Köroğlu. This study reviews Ahmet Kutsi Tecer’s perception of Köroğlu Destanı and how he reflected his perception in the play he wrote by analyzing the content of Koçyiğit Köroğlu.
A brief look at etymologic dictionaries is indicative of the fact that the word gırtlak was analyzed from different perspectives. This word, which is not found in pre-modern Turkish linguistic sources, began to appear in modern Turkish after an unspecified period of time and is today used in many dialects as gırtlak, qırtlaq, hırtlak, xirtlek, xirtdek and so on. Therefore, the present paper aimed to explain the structure of gırtlak based on historical and contemporary linguistic data. In addition to an overview of the linguists’ point of view on the word, the paper also presents a novel analytical approach to its structure. It should be also noted that some other words were useful in this regard, including qort (sip) defined in a Chagatai dictionary called Sangalakh, qurtum (sip), xirtdek/qırtlaq (throat), udlaq (throat) in Azerbaijani Turkish, xortum (sip) in Iranian Turkish dialects, and ġurt (sip, gulp) used in Persian with a Turkish origin.
There are many works related to Turks’ being Muslims in the Turkish Information literature. The collections of biographies of Satuk Bugra khan are the most known of these works. From the days they have existed up to present, they have been narrated by the public in the Central Asia and Anatolia and they have become an important element of verbal culture. The story of “Four Imams” which is often seen in these Satuk Bugra Khan accounts is one of these works. In the work, it is told that the four heroes named Nasreddin, Muineddin, Zuhureddin, Kıvameddin who stand out in the wars made to spread Islam during the period of Yusuf Kadir Khan from the rulers of the Karahan (= Karakhanid) State. They are known as "four imams" in their period due to their loyalty to Islam and their services. In this study, the work has been examined in terms of sentence information, and the sentences existing in the work have been classified according to their structures and places, types and meanings of the predicate.
The writing of compound words written adjacent is one of the many mistakes made. These words are written indiscriminately while writing, meaning dimensions are not discussed. Compound words can have very different meanings when they are written wrongly, except in the meaning of the article. In order to prevent such misuse, the spelling of compound words in the Spelling Dictionary published by the Turkish Language Society has been discussed extensively and the importance of the issue has been emphasized with hundreds of examples. In Spelling Dictionary, two different ways have been followed in the spelling of the compound words, which are divided into compound words that need to be written separately and adjacent. The spelling of the compound words in the Spelling Dictionary should be well distinguished. If this distinction is not reached, ridiculous situations can arise and word meanings can be moved to many different dimensions.
Terminological problems of Turkmen language emerges as one of the important issues of the first half of 20th century. Controversial articles were written and different recommendations were made about notion on "Turkmenistan" newspaper. In 1925 the book "It would be better if we arraged our language" was published by an author who's pseudonym was "The Writer". In this article, explanations about the arragement (clarification) of the turkmen language was made. In response to this article, an author with a pseudonym of "The Reader", wrote an article named "The cure is worse than the ill". In this article, the realities of suggestions are examined. Emphasizing that there are 109 turkish, 39 arabic-persian words in the 46 line article, the author indicates that 30% of the article consists of arabic-persian. In the 71st issue of the newspaper, a writer named Abdulla embraces the the work of "The Writer" from the basis, in his article called "Our language issue". In the article, he tries to answer the questions that he puts forward on this issue. Y. Nasırlı joins the discussion with his article named "Our thought in the language topic". In this article, the author broadly and deeply examines The Writer's, The Reader's and Abdulla's articles'. Another author who actively joins these discussions is M. Geldiyev. He joins the discussion with his article in 74th issue of the newspaper named "The language of Turkmenistan's newspaper or the issue of notion". With examining the articles of The Writer, The Reader, Abdulla, and Y. Nasırlı, he also brought forward three half suggestions and tried to ground those. This article reveals the basics of notion in the Turkmen language. After this, the Turkmenistan newspaper publishes an article named " The last answer " and at the end of this issue he announces that this discussion has ended. In the contexts of these articles, it is possible to state that they are the first ones on the subject of notion.
All languages are strongly influenced by and shaped through the way their communities think and also the way they live. The hendiadyoin ıda taşda, which stands for “in the forest, outside and in the country” was first time used by Turks in the Orkhon inscriptions to indicate a settlement place. This aforementioned hendiadyoin is not only a place indicator but also it reflects the life-style of its community. Today even though they are constructed with different words, it is been observed that there are also similar other reduplicated expressions in use, created through the same logic and linguistic thought. This situation continues to be a reflection of Turkish thought and continues to exist as a sign of our ancestors in our language. This study will show how the hendiadyoin seen in the first written documents continues to survive until the present century.
In this work, it is aimed to determine how problem based learning activities effect students’ academic achievement. In the research an experimental pattern with pretest-posttest design were used. Both groups were measured before and after the experiment. This research applied to the 57 seventh grade students in Turkish Language Courses in February, March and April in academic year 2012-2013. In control group, blended approach based on constructive approach was used, while in experimental group, problem based learning application depended on constructive approach was used in teaching process. Scenarios, PowerPoint pictures and cartoons were used in the research. According to the findings in research, the academic achievement of the experimental group who was instructed Turkish Language Course with constructive approach based on problem based learning performed a better success comparing with the control group who was instructed with only blended methods based on constructive approach.
The aim of the present study is to examine Turkish textbooks in line with the language learning strategies and to explore their accordance with the learning strategy uses. The data of the present study is gathered adopting a qualitative approach through document and content analysis of 6th grade Turkish course-book (Türkçe 6) which is renewed by Turkish Ministry of National Education and used in 2018-2019 academic year. Oxford (1990)'s language learning strategies are adapted into a scale by the researchers and used as a checklist to gather the data of the study. The findings showed that while 85.7% of the activities and instructions in the course-book are direct strategies, the rest 14.3% are indirect strategies.
It is not possible to carry out language teaching without grammar. If the student does not have enough knowledge about the linguistic pattern and structure of the language he learns, the communicative language performance cannot develop. In the process of language acquisition, it is expected at the A2 level, the achievements will be taken to the measurable stage and the students will be able to apply the knowledge of the grammar rules to the application level in writing studies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of students to apply the knowledge of grammar at the level of knowledge to the level of application in writing skill studies. The research includes writing practices at B1 and B2 level of 30 students studying at Gazi University TÖMER. Document analysis method was used in the study. Research data were analyzed by content analysis, frequency and percentage statistics. Findings revealed that the subjects and predicates, which are the two basic elements of the sentence, are not used in terms of singularity and plurality. The common subject in the sequential sentences shows that the subject is not suitable for the predicates and therefore the incoherency occurs. As a result, it has been observed that subject-verb agreement, which is one of the basic conditions of establishing a correct and complete sentence, has not reached the desired level of application in writing studies in teaching Turkish as a foreign language.
The Ottoman Empire had intense relations with the British in military, political and economic terms. As a result of this, in order to meet the need of learning English of Turkish, people from different nationalities, mostly British, have written books on teaching Turkish to the British. One of these writers is Sir James William Redhouse. The aim of this study is to examine Redhouse's The Turkish Campaigner’s Vade-Mecum of Ottoman Colloquial Language in terms of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. The study was planned as qualitative research. Document analysis method was used in the research. The content analysis technique was applied in the given acquisition. According to the results, the work is in the size of a pocket booklet of 7 * 11 cm and was written for the British officers. It was determined that grammar-translation method was dominant in the work. In addition, it was determined that there were samples according to the natural approach method. It has also been observed that there are examples of mutual conversation that can be encountered in daily life with the small dictionary. Research results are thought to help prepare language teaching books for special purposes.
Research on teaching Turkish to foreigners clearly demontrates the effects of audio-visual applications on language teaching. Visual materials have an important place in terms of increasing the permanence of the information while providing language teaching effectively. One of the visual tools used in language teaching is caricature.The researches show that the biggest problem in teaching grammar to foreigners is in teaching cases. This necessitates the production of different methods and techniques to solve the problem. The aim of this study is to determine the usefulness of caricature supported grammar teaching in determining the grammar level of Turkish learners.The population of the study consists of 30 foreign students who have started A2 level at Gazi TÖMER. In the study, content analysis method was used among quantitative research methods. The data obtained were coded as “correct” and “wrong” using SPSS 20.0 program. The frequency and percentage of descriptive analysis methods were used in data analysis. As a result, it was concluded that caricature supported teaching was effective in eliminating the learning difficulties and increasing the success that might arise in the teaching of grammar. According to this result, the teaching method which is carried out with caricature increases the students’ commentary power and enables him/her to easily establish cause-effect relationship.
In this study, the effect of using interactive infographic on academic achievement in social studies teaching is being researched. Participants of the study, which was used as a pretest posttest control group quasi-experimental design, consisted of 42 6th grade students in two different class in Belekçihan Secondary School located in Akdağmadeni District of Yozgat province. Groups were assigned by simple random sampling method which is one of the random sampling methods. One of the classes was determined as the experimental group and the other as the control group. While determining the experimental and control groups for the application, the availability of the classes, the readiness levels of the students and their educational status were taken into consideration. The achievement test used by the research was developed by the researchers and the item difficulty and discrimination indices of the developed test were calculated with ITEMAN 3.0 software. In the analysis of the data collected in the study, IBM SPSS 23.0 package program was used. The independent samples t-test and repeated measures for two-way analysis of variance were used for analyzing the datum. Significance of research data was evaluated at 0.05 significance level. According to the results obtained from the research, it is seen that the use of interactive infographic in social studies teaching has a positive effect on academic achievement, social studies teachers and social studies teacher candidates should be informed about the preparation of interactive infographics, different studies should be done about the use of interactive infographics in different subjects and their contribution to the teaching process in teaching social studies lesson.
The first years of childhood are the most productive time for learning. Everything learned by children in this period has been accompanied throughout their entire lives. Children who spend most of their time in front of television screen have been confronted with colorful imaginary heroes in cartoons. Violence, which is an important problem nowadays, has been easily transferred to children by the cartoons. Cartoon violence can affect children’s whole life. The aim of this study is to understand the impact of physical and symbolic violence on cartoons on children. Indirect observation and interview methods were used in the study. Firstly children were watched a cartoon episode in a kindergarten and then while watching and afterwards they were observed in order to try to examine the changes of their movements. After watching the children were asked about the violence cartoon.
The history of anti-Islamism or Islamophobia goes back to the periods of Prophet Muhammad. In the times when Prophet Muhammad began to spread Islam, there were people who are dissenting Islam and restraining Prophet Muhammad from spreading Islam. From that day to these times, there have been similar situations. But in recent years, Islamophobia takes on a different dimension that this hate against Islam and Muslims have reached a level which endanger the world peace. Islamophobia rises each passing day in Europe, USA, China and in many other parts of the world. Among these, the most dangerous situation has been experienced in England in the recent days. According to an action plan organized by a group of organizations that are anti-İslamic and anti-Muslim, it’s declared 3rd April as the punishment day of Muslims. Among the letters that are sent to various people and institutions, it was written that “Punish a Muslim and do a favor” on the 3rd of April. This kind of a call, which endangers the peace in the country, region and the world, is not only against human rights but also it is a big obstacle on the freedom of religion and belief. In this study, it will be informed about Islamophobia and the current situation will be analyzed with the sociological point of view.
The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution 30/1 for Sri Lanka is an international wrongful act of an international organization. In his resolution 30/1, the HRC did not respect and fulfill his obligation to the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (UNGCTS) by his mandate given by the General Assembly of the UN. The HRC prepared the resolution 30/1 without taking account of the systematic acts of terrorism of the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and did not defined LTTE as a terrorist organization as defined in his resolution 25/1. LTTE financed his terrorism acts by different criminal sources including drug dealing with the terror organization PKK, illegal human trafficking and international sea piracy. The resolution of HRC 30/1 can only be defined as the internationally wrongful act of the HRC organization by not defining LTTE as a non-state armed group designated as terrorist as well not asking an international investigation for the perpetrators of financing terrorism. The international community has an obligation not to recognize as lawful the HRC 30/1arising from the spirit, principles and ideals of the UN.
Globalization is a concept used in entitling an economic process which began to appear especially in the 1960s, but has been intensely felt for the past 25-30 years. Globalization refers to not only an economic process, but also a social, political and cultural process. Western multinational companies which are the subjects of globalization offer Western products and services, as well as contextual features in the utilization of these products and services to non-Western countries in parallel with technological and communicational developments. Thus, perceiving, thinking and living features of the Western culture affect the culture of non-Western countries, which leads to the development of firstly hybridization and then assimilation into the Western culture and homogenization in national cultures. As a consequence, unitary states become economically, politically and culturally dependent on the West. This dependence provides the West a source of raw materials and an opportunity of marketing. Consumption culture which dominates the West is also imposed on non-Western countries in various ways. This culture is a process which is offered to the world especially by the USA and developed Western countries, imposed with technological, economical, political and cultural oppressions and simply aims to “standardize” people from different cultures, lifestyles and geographies. Predicting “Americanization” in terms of perceiving, thinking and acting; consumption culture is a cultural process which spreads via today’s mass media (radio, tv, internet) such as news, documentaries, tv series, advertisements and social media and hypnotizes people to consume with its subconscious-related effects. The process aims to homogenize individuals in thinking, acting and consuming. Cultural homogenization is only one aspect of globalization and it signifies reducing the cultural diversity by means of not only using material products, but also extending and spreading a wide cultural series such as beliefs, thoughts, values, attitudes and behaviors. Our study will center upon homogenization which is tried to be formed by globalization through increasing the consumption on the national culture and explore the cultural diversity of national cultures and the differences between homogenization and multiculturalism.
Usage of Turkish folk dances of the amasya region in violin education, folk dances are traditional dances in which the common feelings and thoughts of the people have been reflected by movement, rhythm, melody and meaningful physical movements for centuries.The subject of the study is the use of the violin instrument, which has sound boundaries, technical capacity, impressive and powerful expression features within the scope of instrument education in the music education, in the violin education and teaching process and the non-verbal Turkish folk dance melodies which are inseparable parts of our cultural values.In this context, various works have been carried out to make folk music melodies, one of the components of our cultural heritage, suitable for violin education by adhering to the essence of original tunes in order to teach musical expression, left and right hand techniques within the framework of violin education. In this context, in order to teach folk songs melodies, musical expression, left and right hand techniques, which are part of our cultural heritage, various works have been done to make it suitable for violin education by adhering to the essence of original tunes. Turkish folk dance melodies of Amasya region, which are considered appropriate to adapt to violin training and suitable for violin training, constitute the sample group of the research.
Mathematics and geometry have an important place in the production and design of architectural themed works in plastic arts. The concept of beauty, which has been tried to be dealt with by shaped works, has attracted the interest of philosophers since ancient times and philosophical and theoretical studies have been produced in these subjects. Over time, these works have turned into practice and have shown themselves in three-dimensional works in the field of plastic arts. In some of the works where ceramic is used as a material in sculpture designs, the selection of theme is based on architecture. Different artists working in line with the understanding of plastic shaping, evaluated the different dimensions of architecture at the point of producing their works. Sometimes a whole structure, sometimes a detail, by providing the artist with the necessary inspiration, can be the first spark in shaping the work. In this research, it will be tried to focus on the way in which the ancient and local themes as sub-headings are handled on the line that reaches the architecture and plastic arts and ceramics with selected examples from different periods and areas. In the process of using such a rich source, our personal design suggestions are concentrated on the Troia city which is one of the westernmost points of Anatolia.
This article was prepared on the basis of the technical, material, pattern and color characteristics of the rugs woven by Yüncü yoruk lived in Balıkesir region. The aim of this study is to introduce the kilims of the Yüncü nomads, who are not sufficiently known, to the literature. In addition, it is aimed that the existing fabrics contribute to the researchers and transfer them to the next generations. Field survey was conducted in Balıkesir Yüncü villages. These villages are Yaren, Dallımandıra and Kocaören. The rugs reached as a result of the field research have remained from the family elders. As a result of the increase in migration from the village to the city and the reflections of the social and economic changes, it is determined that the fabric is completely finished in the villages of Balıkesir Yüncü. Besides the artistic value, the Yüncü rugs are also valuable materials.
Rug weaving, which belongs to the traditional textiles group in handicrafts, has spread from Anatolia to Balkans by gaining a universal language. Bosnia rugs which are still being weaved today are a good example. Rug weaving in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was established after Yugoslavia, is a cultural tradition that has been going on since the Ottoman Empire. The aim of this study is to examine the motif and composition characteristics of Bosnian rugs and rugsof the Konya region where traditional features are still intense. In the study, the rugs identified through field study in Sarajevo and Konya were examined. In this article, Bosnian rugs will be evaluated in terms of pattern structures, color motifs and composition characteristics and compared with the rugs of Konya region.
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