Cilt: 12 - Sayı: 1


Nisan 2020

Cilt: 12 - Sayı: 1

Sayı Dosyaları:


At, Türk yaşam tarzının önemli bir ögesi olmuştur. En eski Türk yazıtlarından günümüze kadar at etrafında geniş bir söz varlığı meydana geldiği görülmektedir. 6000 yıl öncesinde evcilleştirildiği düşünülen at, hem sütünden hem de etinden yararlanılan bir gıda kaynağı, hem de taşımacılıkta ve savaşta kullanılan bir araçtır. Afanesyevo kültüründen çıkan buluntular bölgede yaşayan Türklerin at ve deveyi evcilleştirdiğini göstermektedir. MÖ 2700-1700 yılları arasında etkisi görülen kültür alanından at gemleri bulunmuştur. Avrasya’nın çeşitli yerlerinde yapılan arkeolojik kazılarda at ile gömülen savaşçı mezarlarına rastlanmaktadır. Eski Türk kültüründe at etrafında çok sayıda sözcük kullanılmıştır. Atın rengi, cinsi, giysisi, at ile kullanılan araç ve gereçler ayrı ayrı sözcüklerle karşılıklarını bulmuştur. Bu yazıda Türkiye Türkçesinde kısrak diye adlandırdığımız atın dişisi için kullanılan sözcüklerin Türk lehçe, şive ağızlarındaki görünümleri üzerinde durulacaktır.

Özet Bir dilde birliği, anlaşma kolaylığını sağlamak için kullanılan dil yazı dilidir. Birleştirici ve ağız ayrılıklarını silici özelliği olan yazı dilinin, kullanıldığı her yerde aynı olması gerekir. Ancak iki dilli ya da çok dilli ortamlarda yaşayan toplulukların dillerinde meydana gelen değişiklikler, sadece konuşma dilinde kalmayıp yazı dilini de etkilediği için bu toplulukların yazı dilinde, ortak yazı dilinden sapmaların belirdiğini görmek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, çok dilli bir ortamda yaşayan Makedonya Türklerinin, Türkiye Türkçesi yazı dilinden her alanda farklılık gösteren yazı dili ele alınmış ve dil etkileşiminin, sözcük düzeyinde hataların yapılmasında önemli bir etken olduğu konusuna dikkat çekilmeye çalışılmıştır. Üç bölümden oluşan bu çalışmada, Makedonya Türklerinin yazı dilinde yanlış anlamlandırılan, yanlış yazılan ve gereksiz yere kullanılan sözcüklerin bulunduğu cümle örneklerine ve bunların düzeltilmiş şekillerine yer verilmiştir. Birey, toplum ve dil açısından büyük önem arz eden yazı dilinde yapılan dil hatalarını fark etmek, bunların nedenlerini kavramak ve bu hataları düzeltmekle, dilimizde meydana gelen bozulma ve yabancılaşmanın önüne geçilmesine ve bu topraklarda dil bilgisinin ve bilincinin geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunabiliriz. Abstract Written language is used for unity and communication ease. The written language must be the same everywhere as it has a feature which unites and eliminates the differences in dialects. However, it is possible to observe some deviations in the written language of the societies that are bilingual or multilingual as they reflect the language variations in both spoken and written forms of the language. This study aims to study the written language of the Macedonian Turks who live in a multilingual setting as it is different from the written from of Modern Turkish. It also aims at highlighting the importance of language interaction as a factor in making lexical errors. The present study which has three parts contains sample sentences with semantically ill-formed, misspelled and misused words in the written language of the Macedonian Turks together with the corrected forms. We believe that we can raise awareness in noticing language errors, understanding the reasons behind, and correcting these errors in the written language as it is highly important for the individual, society and language. By doing so, we can prevent language deterioration and alienation in these settings, and we can contribute to the correct usage of the language and improve language awareness.

Bu çalışmada Moğol ve Tunguz halkları arasında var olan ortakyaşarlık ilişkilerinin sınırları, yoğunluğu ve derinliğinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda Rusya Federasyonu, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti ve Moğolistan’da yaşayan Moğol ve Tunguz halklarını yaşam alanları belirlenip bu yaşam alanlarının bir birleri ile ne ölçüde örtüştüğü tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmanın neticesinde, her üç ülkede de çok yoğun bir Moğol – Tunguz ortakyaşarlığının vaki olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nde İç Moğolistan Bölgesi’nin doğu kısımları, Heilongjiang eyaletinin kuzey ve batı kesimleri, Doğu Türkistan’ın batı kesimleri; Rusya Federasyonu’nda Buryatistan Cumhuriyeti, Zabaykal Karayı ve İrkustk Oblastı ile Moğolistan’ın kuzey bölgeleri bu ortakyaşarlığı barındıran bölgeler olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Moğol – Tunguz ortakyaşarlığının altı örneği tespit edilmiştir. Ancak bu münferit ortakyaşarlık ilişkilerinin aslında daha geniş bir Moğol – Tunguz ortakyaşarlığının bir parçası olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu ortakyaşarlık ilişkilerinde, Moğol halkları olarak Dağurlar, Buryatlar, Horçinler; Tunguz halkları olarak ise Evenkler, Mançular ve Oroçenler öne çıkmaktadır.

Karachay-Balkar Turkish is spoken approximately by 350 thousand people who is intensely living in Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkaria Autonomous Republics of the Russian Federation at the present time and is used as the official and literary language as well. Following the Russian Federation it is spoken most in Turkey. A Karachay-Balkar diaspora of 30 thousand people, who emigrated from Russia in discrete years, lives in Turkey. Today, the descendants of Karachay-Balkarians who came and settled in Turkey approximately 140 years ago continue speaking their native language Karachay-Balkarian by means of preserving ‘relatively’ grammatical features of the language and under the great influence of Turkey Turkish.

In the pre-Ottoman period, veteran dervishes played a major role in the spread of Islam in Anatolia and the Balkans. For this cause, one of the leading figures in history is undoubtedly Sari Saltik. Sari Saltik, who has visited three continents, has tried to make these places become a place of Turkish-Islamic place from his young age until his death. He is a person who has gone down in history by not losing his moment of struggle for a moment while pursuing this ideal.With the passing of Sari Saltik to the Balkans, it is an undeniable fact that Islam is held in this region and spread over a wide area. His adventures in the Balkans, where he came to Islamize, extend to Babaeski.The aim of this article is to reveal the relationship between Sari Saltik and Babaeski in the context of Saltikname. According to the rumors in the legend, Babaeski is the place where the main tomb of Sari Saltik is found.In this context, informations will given about that subjects in our study that; dervish lodge which is opened in Babaeski by Sari Saltik and his burned candle in it, and his request that to be buried in this dervish lodge when he dies, and this dervish lodge in Babaeski has been an important place of visit for centuries by Turkish and Christian peoples. In addition to these, it will be emphasized that where the name of Babaeski came from and also the events of Umur Ghazi and Otman Baba during their visit to Sari Saltik lodge in Babaeski.

According to the program based on constructivist learning approach and came into force in the 2005-2006 education year, students have become the subject of education. However, according to the PISA results conducted since 2003, students in Turkey cannot reach the top level achievements in the field of learning reading skills. Despite relatively its little progress in the area of reading skills of each semester, Turkey, unfortunately, still remains below average among OECD countries in the rankings. Although the reasons for this situation are multifaceted, the importance of teacher influence cannot be denied. In this context, Turkish teachers should activate the students in the lesson in order to be able to make effective teaching in learning and teaching processes and increase the efficiency of learning. Both the changes in the program and the problems related to the language skills in the national and international exams and the researches related to the problems faced by the teachers in the use of materials have increased the importance of teaching materials in Turkish teaching and have brought the researches about the effectiveness of the teaching materials. Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to inform and create awareness about teaching materials that can be used in Turkish teaching.

In addition to its artistic value in terms of structure and content, texts formed in an oral culture environment are also to record individual and social events. Particularly verse types are one of the forms of recording of verbal memory. In this framework, folk literature texts in the tradition of minstrelsy in Turkish cultural history reveal important data in order to understand and interpret the past. One of them is the type of ballad. In the minstrel tradition of poetry, the ballad is a genre created around an event or subject that concerns society and performed with traditional melodies. The ballads, which are generally sung in the form of kosma verse, are the longest genre of minstrel poetry and are shaped around an event. These texts can also be read as oral history text. In this context, the text of the folk song entitled “The Enemy Cannon Explode in Karadağ” is a ballad that was said to increase the motivation of the soldier by Bardızlı Âşık Nihanî, a minstrel who participated in the National Struggle. After the 93 War (1877-1878), Kars was left to the Russians with Ardahan and Batumi and remained in the hands of the Russians and the Armenian gangs they placed for more than forty years. The troops led by Deli Halit Pasha turned to Kars, which was left to the Armenian gangs by the Russians after the Bolshevik Revolution after Erzurum and Artvin were cleared of the gangs. This epical folk poem, also known as Nihanî's “Vurun Aslanlarım”, “Vurun Evlatlarım”, was sung at the closing of the minstrel chapters, entered in the repertory records, became folk song over time and started to be sung in radio television programs. In the becoming folk song process, different interventions such as changing the words, removing some names, especially shortening are observed. In this study, the determined variants of the work will be compared, the reasons for changing will be discussed, and contextual interpretations based on oral history will be made. In addition, the effect of interventions on the text will be evaluated by addressing the verbal memory of people and places such as Kars and its affiliated places, Âşık Nihanî, Deli Halit Pasha, enemy gangsters / commanders and ensuring memory transfer via folk songs.

The research has comparatively analyzed the characteristics of lyric genres such as counting-out rhymes, teases and children's songs of Azerbaijan and English children's folklore. Although there are differences between the lyrical types of Azerbaijani and English folklore, there are also similarities in form and content. In this regard, the origin of lyric genres of Azerbaijani and English children’s folklore has been investigated and comparative typological features have been determined. In the article, it was concluded that the comparative analysis of Azerbaijan and English folklore genres such as counting-out rhymes, teases and children's songs is related to the closeness of human thought and its relation to reality. The analogy between Azerbaijan and English folklore is related to the similar lifestyle of two people, that is, the similarities of people's historical development, the ancient historical and cultural relationships- the prehistoric mythological thinking of both nations and the same psychological acts of children. Similarities and differences were also discovered during the comparison of children's folklore texts. Parallels in connection with living conditions are clearly observed in many children’s folklore genres, such as counting-out rhymes, teases and game songs.

Diğer bütün bilim dalları ve güzel sanatlarla ilgisi olan edebiyatın, bilhassa şiirin, müzikle de sıkı bir ilgisi bulunmaktadır. Öyle ki şiirde âhengi sağlamak için uyak, ölçü gibi unsurlardan yararlanan şair böylece müzikaliteyi de sağlamaktadır. Hatta mısra sonlarındaki ses tekrarları, birer nota vazifesi görmektedir. Dünya üzerinde başka hiç bir edebiyatta görülmeyen mısra başı kafiye geleneği ise ulusumuzun uyağa ve şiirde müziğe ne kadar önem verdiğinin göstergesidir. Orta Asya'dan beri şiirin, koşuk ve sagunun kopuz eşliğinde söylenmesi ayrıca dikkat çekicidir. Halk ozanı Dedem Korkut'un hikâyelerini bu saz eşliğinde anlatması, öykünün sonunda sazıyla dua etmesi müzik ve edebiyatın ne kadar iç içe olduğunu gösterirken, bu iki nadide sanatın milli tarihimiz içinde eski bir geçmişi olduğuna da işaret etmektedir. Böylece kültürel değerlere sahip bir ulus olarak medeniyet tarihinde de haklı olarak seçkin yerimizi almaktayız. Orta Asya'dan Anadolu'ya göç ederken atalarımız doğal olarak bu güzel kültür mirasını da beraberinde taşıdı. Öyle ki Dedem Korkut'un kopuzu yerini bağlamaya bırakırken, koşuk koşma, sagu ağıt adını aldı. Ozan, baksı, kam diye isimlendirilen şairler ise âşık, halk ozanı, halk şairi adını aldı belki ama yine saz eşliğinde halk hikâyelerini anlatmaya devam etti. Nazım-nesir karışık anlatılan bu öyküler, hem saz eşliğinde dilleniyor hem de öykü içine türküler serpiştiriliyordu. Şiir ve müzik ilgisi böylece bir kez daha ispatlanmış oluyordu

Sinema ve medya, yüksek değerlere ulaşmada önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Makalede, sinema dili ile sözlü edebi dilin yanı sıra sinema oyuncularının diline yansıması ve onların edebi dil bilgisindeki kullanış profesyonelliği düzeyi hakkında konuşulmaktadır. Makalede film dilinin konuşma diline daha yakın olduğu söylenirken çeşitli nedenler gösterilmiştir: Temel neden, dilin doğal rengini, zengin bir halk ruhunda aşılanan fikrin birincil unsurunun korunmasını ve milli karakterini korumaktır. Ayrıca, makalede dilin milli karakterinin film dilinin çok önemli karakteristik özelliği olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Makalenin bazı bölümlerinde film dilinin popülerleştirilmesi hakkında konuşulmakta ve yazar, film dilinde argoların, kaba kelimelerin ve jargonların aktif kullanımını eleştirmektedir. Değişik Azerbaycan filmlerinden verilen örneklerle sözlü edebi dilin kurallarının bozulduğu makalede tartışılmıştır.

This study aimed to determine the opinions of educators in different fields on the factors that affect student creativity. The research group of the study consists of preschool, primary school, secondary education teachers and academicians working in Haymana district of Ankara in the 2019/2020 academic year. A total of 106 educators participated in the research. “Demographic Information Form of Educators” prepared by the researcher and a semi-structured consisting of open-ended questions “Form Determining Factors Affecting Creativity According to the Opinions of the Educators” were used as data collection tool. The educators: “finding suitable ways for the situation by internalizing the problem in order to find solutions to problems in case of any problem situation”, “using critical thinking power”, “making new suggestions with imagination”, “ability to use the mind/attempt to change and change” have been defined as creativity is affected by many factors. The main factors are family attitudes, social environment, teacher attitudes, content of the curriculum, socio-economic conditions, students’ readiness for class, awareness of their interests and abilities, peer environments, social judgments and the unique Dynamics of the education system. Findings showed that creativity is a developable but atrophy condition/process/skill/ability. This study carried out with the aim of determining the opinions of educators working in different educational levels on the factors affecting student creativity.

M.F.Akhundzadeh`s dramaturgical creation is one of the richest sourses that shows the important role of the technologies of everyday life speech in formation of the Azerbaijani literary language. Certainly, the language of M.F.Akhundzadeh`s dramaturgy is not directly the people`s spoken language, but based on the genre demands and specific stylistical principles (democratizm, realism etc.) the playwright presents the characters` language eminently natural and demonstrates the standards of the everyday life style with the utmost accuracy, liveliness and colour. The language created by the founder of the Azerbaijani dramaturgy on the basis of the national folklore traditions and Western European technologies was first introduced to the stage, but it had been the people`s spoken language before and had not been regarded as typical of the classical literature. However the outstanding playwright gave the literary life to this language and presented the everyday life style as a system of the Azerbaijani literary language that had been forming from the XVII-XVIII centuries. The article deals with the analysis of the everyday life style in the linguosocial aspect on the basis of the concrete speech facts, examples and determination of its functional tipology. It is emphasized that this style extended over a wide field and sounded from the theatre stage thanks to M.F.Akhundzadeh.

As it was applied to the world people lifestyle and literary experiences of the Old East in great Azerbaijan poet Nizami’s – which has gained universal fame – creative activity,as well as special place in his works was given to national spiritual wealth of the nation represented by the poet. The great patriotic poet of Azerbaijan-Nizami approaches description of Azerbaijan – turkish welfare traditions, music, combat technique, food culture, dishes of national cuisine,t urkish family, characteristic peculiarities of all-turkish mentality coming out from our national folklore with great responsibility. As it is known, that national cuisine of every nation, ethnos depending on their geographical area of settlement, lifestyle, neighbor nations, cultural relations and language carrier. Because, besides being daily household of society, cuisine is also its national cultural indicator. Nizami Ganjavi being deeply aware of Azerbaijan – Turkish way of life tried to show the best Turkish features to propagate and immortalize their progressive features. In the meantime, our national dishes have its own place. In this article we would like to mention that the three dishes from Azerbaijan – Turkish cuisine–tutmaj (kind of flour dish), dovgha (yogurt plov) and shakarburah (kind of sweetmeats) were mentioned as a metaphor by Nizami in “Khamsah”. Even the author gives method of their preparation with which, he proves his connection with roots, national – spiritual values. His describes such simple national dishes with great love. While talking about above mentioned dishes we covered the history, the use of their names in Azerbaijan-Turkish literature and tried to show how Nizami was aware of Azerbaijan cuisine.

Turkey is an important country that keeps the modal music culture. In this respect, there is a large study area for music researchers. Spatial analysis is often used as a superficial interpretation by listening to a melody or looking at its note. However, in today's technology age, it is necessary to reach more clear and precise results in such analyzes. In this sense, it is inevitable to use computer aided software. In this study, the frequency of use of pitches, which constitute seven different makams, has been calculated meticulously. In calculating the data, MusicXML and SQL query languages were used and pitch time value distributions were obtained. On the basis of the data obtained, the compatibility and incompatibilities between theory and practice were examined. Incompatibility of theory and practice has been observed in some maqams.

Bu araştırma, ebeveynlerin harçlık yönetimindeki tutumlarının, çocukların psikososyal gelişimlerine etkisinin tasarruf bilinci ve para yönetimi değişkenleri açısından incelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ebeveynlerin harçlık yönetiminde yaptıkları uygulama hatalarının bilinmesi, çocukların psikososyal gelişimlerinin desteklenmesi için önemlidir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilerin, çocukların tasarruf bilinci kazanmaları ve para yönetimi gelişimlerinin desteklenmesi adına planlanacak rehberlik hizmetlerine kaynaklık etmesi beklenmektedir. Araştırmada, harçlık yönetimi konusunda ebeveyn tutumları ile çocukların davranışları karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada betimsel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Giresun Merkez ilçede yaşayan ortaokul öğrencisi çocuğu bulunan anne ve babalar oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini tabakalı örnekleme tekniği kullanılarak çocuklarının okudukları sınıflara göre oranlı seçilen 320 ebeveyn oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, ebeveynlerin harçlık yönetimindeki tutumlarının, çocukların tasarruf bilinci ve para yönetimi gelişimlerine etkisini belirlemeye yönelik sorulardan oluşan “Ebeveyn Harçlık Yönetimi Tutumları Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde frekans ve yüzdeler, aritmetik ortalama, çapraz tablolar, ilişkisiz örneklemlerde t testi ile ebeveynlerin tutumlarının karşılaştırılması için One-Way ANOVA Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular, ebeveynlerin harçlık yönetimindeki tutumlarının, çocukların para yönetimi ve tasarruf bilinci gelişimlerini olumsuz yönde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Araştırma sonuçları, ebeveynlerin, harçlık verme zamanları, harçlık miktarları, harcama planı, harçlık kullanımı, harçlık paylaşımı, tasarruf yapma, harçlığı ceza veya tehdit aracı olarak kullanma gibi davranışları, öğrencilerin olumsuz tutum göstermelerine yol açtığını göstermektedir. This study is carried out to analyze the effects of parents’ approaches in allowance management upon children’s psycho-social developments through money management and saving consciousness parameters. To know the mistakes made by parents in the practice of allowance management is of great importance for the support of psycho-social develeopments of children. The data received in the end of the study is expected to form a basis for the guidance services to be planned for the support of children’s money saving developments, and their raising consciousness about this issue. In the study, the approaches of parents and the behaviours of children are compared in terms of allowance management. The study is done with descriptive method. The example of the study is comprised of the parents of secondary school students in the center of Giresun. The example of the study consists of 320 parents, chosen proportionately using the layered example technique. “Parents’ Allowance Management Approaches Parameter”, formed with questions aiming to analyse the effects of parents’ approaches in allowance management upon children’s psycho-social developments, was used. In the analysis of data, frequency and percentages, arithmetical averages, cross tables, in irrelevant examples,t-test were applied and One-Way ANOVA Test was made for the comparison of parents’ approaches. Findings of the study show that approaches of parents’ to allowance management negatively influence children’smoney management and saving consciousness. Results of the study also indicate that parents’ time of giving allowance, amounts of allowance, spending plans, use of allowance, sharing of allowance, saving money, and using allowance as a means of threat make children develop negative approaches.

Müslümanların ibadet, inanç ve sosyal yaşamlarına ilişkin birer dini başvuru kaynağı olan ilmihal tarzı eserler, halkın farklı ihtiyaçlarına cevap verecek şekilde çeşitli gruplara yönelik yazılabilmektedir. Örneğin alanyazında kadınlara, gençlere, askerlere, çeşitli yaş gruplarına, mezheplere yönelik birçok farklı ilmihal bulunmaktadır. Kadın ilmihalleri ise, büyük bir kısmı “Kadın ve Aile İlmihali” şeklinde anılmakta olan bir ilmihal eseri türüdür. Bu nitel çalışmada, Kadın (ve Aile) ilmihallerinde, kadının evlilik ve aile hayatındaki durumunu incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda amaçsal-ölçüt örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen altı adet ilmihalin (Kadın İlmihali, Cemal Öğüt; Büyük Kadın İlmihali, Ümmühan Hambeyoğlu; Kadın Kaleminden Kadın İlmihali, Sevim Asımgil ve Merve Şahin; Hanımlara Özel İlmihal, Faruk Beşer; Kadın İlmihali, Rauf Pehlivan; İzahlı Kadın İlmihali Ansiklopedisi, Asım Uysal) toplumsal hayata ilişkin bölümleri, evlilik ve aile hayatıyla ilgili temaları oluşturmak üzere okunmuştur. Yapılan içerik analizinde, Evlenme ve Kadın kategorisinde ilmihallerde eş seçimi, eşler arası denklik, nikah akdi, erken yaşta ve zorla evlenme, çok kadınla evlenme, boşanma, eşlerin birbirlerine karşı sorumlulukları ve görevleri şeklinde 7 alt ulam; “Aile İçindeki Rollerin Dağılımı” şeklinde bir ana ulam olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu kategorizasyon üzerine yapılan incelemelerde varılacak en genel sonuç ise, bu eserlerde toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin yansımalarının var olduğudur.

Carpet weaving is among the textile arts developing in the light of a great many civilizations from the Central Asian period up to the current time, fed by different points of view and having a deep-rooted future. It is likely to witness the life stories of the weavers and see the variety of these stories in many places in the art of carpet where culture and tradition is sustained. Among the samples of this unique art, where the weaver of the region weaves his joy, excitement, happiness and sorrow knot by knot and which is used as a communication tool in transferring his feelings is Fethiye-Kaya carpets. The elements resulting from the historical, cultural and natural richness of the town of Fethiye are reflected in the motives and colours of the carpets. In order to convey the cultural accumulation to the coming generations, sustain traditional arts and promote them, the colour, design and motive features of the Kaya carpets in the town of Fethiye were investigated. Scanning method was used in the study. The data obtained from the literature and the field study carried out in the Kaya village were evaluated. Ten types of carpets with different motive features are produced. A field study was made on this carpets. The carpets woven in the future are being carried on without breaking their features but they are carried on only by one person in the village. Kaya carpets are likely to be found at every house in the town of Fethiye and in other villages.

All actions of man from past to present have emerged depending on time and place. Culture can be expressed as a whole of these actions. In all the definitions of culture in the early scientific studies, the commitment to geography, that is, to a place, is pointed out. In the historical process, it has revealed the forms of culture and civilization that man has produced on a particular geography within the framework of the possibilities and limitations of that geography. In this process, three environments of culture defined as oral, written and electronic culture have developed. In the oral culture environment, the human used the memory-based recording system. With the introduction of writing, it is understood that the past and present are reinterpreted in written culture. The contents of the culture, which were recorded with words and writing in electronic culture, entered into the process of transference and reproduction in the new cultural age. When the effectiveness of visual media was realized, this transfer process accelerated. Cinema and television have assumed important functions as a medium of recreation and transfer. Viewed in the context of Turkey, during the first Yeşilçam, then the scenario text of multi-channel television series when switching to stage read in this context. The narratives existing in the cultural memory of the society, historical events, heroes, types of jokes, places have been transferred to many example scenarios. This is similar to the reinterpretation of the existence of culture in verbal memory with the scales of written culture. However, as a cinema and television recording system, it combines narrative with elements of sound, image and color. Therefore, the narrative, space and hero, frozen in the article, gains action similar to that in the oral culture environment. The ratio of this activity in the media determines the agenda of the new cultural age. Space is reinterpreted in the new cultural environment. In this way, the cultural basis of the narrative is reinforced by making use of cultural memory. On the other hand, it can be said in these script texts that space is reproduced by adding new meanings to existing cultural spaces. In addition, new cultural space design is made in series scenarios depending on the content of the narrative. This place can be a home, a business or a neighborhood. This new space designed becomes a cultural space and continues its meaning in the world of the audience after the series ends. In this study, space design in television series is examined and interpreted on the indicators of Super Baba, Ekmek Teknesi and Kurtlar Vadisi.

During the years they lived as nomads in Central Asia, Turks have been in a constant movement and act of displacement. This lifestyle can be used to create the living environments, food habits, verbal cultures, etc. that the tent culture they host. It caused the experiences to be passed on for generations. Many of us have the remains of nomadic life from the past in their genetic codes. Today, also some behaviors that we show instinctively in the house appear as a synthesis of our visual culture with our genetic codes. It tooks a long time to move to the settled order, and it’s seen that the habits acquired in this new living order continued in the new housing concept. This process, which started with the acceptance of Islam, also had direct effects on the construction of the houses. The vital experiences gained from the nomadic culture have been quite a guide for the organization of the space, such as combining the individual's measures and/or functions that are appropriate to use. If this close relationship is considered in terms of design theories and methods, it has been a guide in residential buildings designed in the modern world. Turkish House, which has just begun in Anatolian lands and shaped in a settled order; Today, it has an undeniable place in the world of design when it comes to the concept of space, which has been accepted by many societies in terms of providing suitable living conditions for individuals.

Bilinen en eski tekstil yüzeyi olarak kabul edilen keçe, nesilden nesile aktarılan kültür mirasıdır. Tükenmekte olan el sanatları arasında keçecilik, farklı ve çağdaş bir bakış açısıyla günümüze taşınmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Kuzey ve Güney Küre’de troposferden yansıyan güneş hüzmelerinin atmosferde oluşturduğu ışıklardan esinlenerek özgün tasarımlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kuzey ışıkları olarak bilinen bu doğa olayı tema olarak ele alınmıştır. Tasarımda kullanılan hammadde sarı, açık yeşil, koyu yeşil, mor ve lacivert renklerde boyanmış % 100 yün elyafıdır. Yardımcı materyaller ise arıtılmış su, beyaz sabun, keçe iğnesi, % 100 ipek kumaş ve Amerikan servisidir. Keçe üretimi için ıslak ve kuru keçe yöntemleri tercih edilmiştir. Keçelerin ebatları A4 (297*210 mm) olup giysi aksesuarı olarak yeniden şekillendirme yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, unutulmaya yüz tutmuş el sanatlarından olan keçe yapımı genç kitlere tanıtılarak kültürün aktarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir.

The History of Turkish Revolution and Kemalism course contributes to creation of the social memory of individuals in general. However, this course is expected to provide positive attitudes towards national values. For this purpose, various scales have been developed to determine attitudes towards the course. However, although these scales have functional contributions in determining attitudes; they were found to be problematic in some respects. In this context, the aim of the research is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to determine the attitudes of 8th grade students towards Revolution History and Kemalism course and to create an interpretation guide for it. The research was in a screening model and the participants were selected by random stratified sampling. In this context, secondary schools in Sakarya, which are separated according to the service areas of the Ministry of Education, have been determined by chance. The scale was applied to 889 students in the selected secondary schools. The data of the study was analyzed with SPSS 22 and AMOS 23 statistical package programs. In the analysis phase, the construct validity of the scale was first examined. For this purpose, exploratory (EFA) was used to determine factor structure and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test construct validity. Subsequently, reliability and item analysis studies were initiated. As a result of these analyzes, the scale was determined to have a factor structure consisting of 22 items and 4 dimensions.

Necip Asım Yazıksız is one of the important representatives of the Turkism idea movement. In order to carry this intellectual movement to future generations, he has published many copyrighted and translated works in the field of history and language. Especially, he has written prominent works on Orkhon Monument and Atabetü'l-Hakayık. He founded the Turcology department in Darülfünun and made history as the first professor of Turkish Language History professorship chair. The French author David Léon Cahun (1900), who has an important place in the formation of the idea world of Necip Asım, started to publish a historical novel series in 1875. One of his works in this series is La Banniére Bleue and Necip Asım translated this novel under the name of Gök Sancak in 1906 and published it in 1912. The novel focuses on the Muslim Uyghur Turk Cani’s being subjected to Genghis Khan and what he lives through afterwards. It is a historical novel that attracted great interest from both French and Turkish readers at the time of its publication. The novel is an important work not only in terms of its subject but also in its place in the movement of language simplification. In this study, we put a brief emphasis on the Turkish issues of the Gök Sancak novel, the life of Necip Asım, and his place in the Turkism movement, and tried to determine the reflections of writer's thoughts about Turkishism in the Gök Sancak. Necip Asım’s etymology experiments in the novel were mentioned and the archaic words were identified.

The textbook evaluation has appealed to the interests of the researchers in various contexts, and numerous studies have been conducted on this specific issue. The review of available literature on textbook evaluation, especially the ones held in the Turkish context, revealed that most of the studies did not follow a theoretical framework for their textbook evaluations. Additionally, it is observed that some studies were conducted employing document and content analysis techniques without a robust conceptual framework, or they have evaluated the textbooks through the views of teachers, students, and parents using a checklist developed by researchers for textbook evaluation. It is a fact that evaluating the textbooks without a theoretical framework might violate the reliability and validity of the reached decisions. Thus, the present paper intends to review the frequently employed textbook evaluation approaches in the literature and provide some background knowledge to its readers, especially to the teachers, researchers, and pre-service teachers who are interested in the textbook evaluation approaches.



2020-1-Yayın İlkeleri

2020-1-Yazım Kuralları